The Curious Case of Stubbornness: When Holding On Is Letting Go of Reason

Ah, stubbornness, the curious creature that often masquerades as resolve. This has come up in a lot of my conversations lately. “Stubbornness is sometimes an asset. It depends on what you’re being stubborn about.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe Let’s explore this paradoxical land where the line between strength and folly blurs. Stubbornness can feel like […]

The Queen of Hearts Shouted, “Off with Their Heads!” But I Chose to Walk Away

Have you ever felt like the Queen of Hearts, stomping around yelling “Off with their heads!” only to realize, moments later, that all the shouting hasn’t solved anything? It turns out, that even in Wonderland, fury can’t rewind the clock and no amount of raging will un-spill the tea. “Peace cannot be kept by force; […]

A Single Step Down The Rabbit Hole

As we embark on new journeys—whether personal, professional, or spiritual—we should strive for clarity about our objectives.  While taking that single step is crucial, having a sense of purpose is just as equally essential. “All journey’s begin with a single step.” There’s a certain charm to the simple yet profound axiom, “All journeys begin with […]

Faraway Currents: Timeless Insights of White Rabbits’ Canvas

Down the rabbit hole, I went, only to find myself swept away in a river of whimsy and wonder again. In today’s fast-paced world, life can feel like we’re constantly navigating the rapids in a river—moving, evolving, and presented with unexpected topsy-turvey twists and turns.  By embracing the currents of change and fostering meaningful connections, […]